Etiquetas básicas: 2do Año

lengua, matemática, francés, biología, ciudadanía, arte, plástica, TICX, history, EM, ELT, writing, literature, literature and drama, historia, geografía, físico-química, 2ºsec, 2017

martes, 22 de noviembre de 2016

Balanced essay: Pros & Cons

"Bilingual schools"
-Are bilingual schools better or worse than the normal ones?

-On the one hand, learning another language can open many chances of entering to good universities and then finding better jobs.

-On the other hand, these schools can be boring and very difficult (to learn) for some students, and they are really expensive (to waste it).

-To sum up, I think that even you have to sacrifice some things (like free time), going to bilingual schools can improve your future.

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